HowTo: Watch the Football World Cup without being distracted by Vuvuzelas

Since the beginning of this year’s FIFA World Cup, one topic has divided the public. The so-called “vuvuzelas” are South African trumpets which are currently used by football fans to express their euphoria towards their teams, their countries, and football itself.
(Vuvuzela TV-Sound filtern – Anleitung, deutsch) Not least some football coaches and players have complained about the vuvuzelas making it nearly impossible to communicate during practice sessions and the matches themselves.
Some Techies now have found an easy solution at least for those of us who sit in front of their TV each day and already feel like they are trapped in a beehive. You can filter the sound of the vuvuzelas from the broadcast audio using your Mac and GarageBand, the music software that is included in iLife and ships with every new Mac.
Now here is how you do it:
This is what it sounds like before the procedure:
1) Download the Filters and open in GarageBand.
2) Connect your TV to the Line-In port of your Mac using a standard audio jack or cinch cable.
3) Open GarageBand, start a new project, add an instrument and choose “Line-In” as your audio source, switch “on” the monitor.
4) Switch off master-echo and master-reverb.
5) (optional) Connect your Mac’s audio-out to your stereo.
6) Now it should sound like this:
As you can hear, the filter can extract the tone, which is a#, from the TV audio and thus gives you the opportunity to enjoy the world cup without having to turn the volume down.
Hint: Use the filter in EyeTV
With the additional software “Soundflower“, you can even filter your EyeTV-signal through GarageBand to get the same result if you use your Mac as a TV. You just need to install it and choose “Soundflower (2ch)” in EyeTV’s settings as output device and select it as input device in GarageBand.
You’re done! Now audio output is piped from EyeTV through Soundflower and GarageBand (and thus through the vuvuzela-filter) to the output device, which should be your Mac’s internal speaker or, again, you stereo.
You can also use this procedure if you’re using another TV-device or app like The Tube or Zattoo.