Cutting the Nano-SIM for iPhone 5: Stencil to do it yourself
Nano SIMs are basically just smaller Mini-/Micro-SIM with the same chip and contact design, which makes it possible to cut them to a smaller form factor. There are special punchers on the market which cut older SIM to the Nano SIM format, but you can also use scissors and our stencil to make it yourself (...). Weiterlesen! 14.12.2010
Give us a better Skype 5 for Mac!
Skype 5 beta for mac is available for some weeks now. “Beta” means “not final”, but this won’t put all users minds at ease. Unfunctional, inefficient and badly designed are many of the features and UI elements of the chat/voip/messenger client. Our petition to Skype: make it a better Skype 5 for Mac! Our plea (...). Weiterlesen! 03.11.2010
How To: Windows 3.1 On The iPad Using DOSPad – Installation, Mouse, Drivers, Sound
For four hours only, iDOS was available in the App Store before its deletion, since it allows to mount the iPad’s filesystem into a virtual drive. Since then, DOSPad was re-released in the Cydia Store. And while it’s actually some kind of blasphemy, it enables to run a full-featured Windows 3.1 on an iPad or (...). Weiterlesen! 24.08.2010
MyWi, Rock and Cydia: Interview with Jailbreak App Developer Mario aka Intelliborn
MyWi turns an iPhone (Jailbreak needed) in a WiFi-Hotspot with adjustable transmission power. Alternatively, tethering is supported. Asking for the obligatory installation of Rock we learned that MyWi-Developer Mario also works on Rock itself. A good reason to ask some more questions regarding MyWi, Rock and some of the lesser well known activities of the (...). Weiterlesen! 30.03.2010
Cydia for iPad will be awesome: Interview with Cydia Mastermind Jay Freeman aka Saurik
The App Store alternative for jailbreakers offers income for some developers now as well as apps and tools not approved by Apple for millions of users. Jay Freeeman, Operator of Cydia and developer of many apps for jailbreakers talked with us on the Cydia Store, adult content, the iPad, iphone-security, the rival Rock and some (...). Weiterlesen! 14.02.2010
Interview with F-Secure: Antivirus for Mac OS X, useful or not?
Malware for Mac is still rare especially compared with the Windows platform. Is it because of the inherent security of the unixoid operating system or is it because it’s not appealing enough for virus writers? This is the parting of the way. F-Secure sees a growing need for Mac protection. Otherwise the security vendor wouldn’t (...). Weiterlesen!Zuletzt kommentiert
kan zu How To: Windows 3.1 On The iPad Using DOSPad – Installation, Mouse, Drivers, Sound: "Is there any way to get DOSBOX for the iPAD connected to the internet under Windows 3.1? [...]"
Cris Cohen zu AppStore scam: Fake reviews bump Facebook on iPad app Pica Browser HD to the top of the App Store best sellers: "Holy shit - I read through quite some of the 5 star reviews and I would guess that 90% of them [...]"